Density | 256M |
Org | 16Mx16 |
Vcc | 1.8/2.5/3.3V |
Type | MSDR |
Refresh | 8K |
Status | Prod |
Comment | |
Pkg Pins | BGA(54) |
Speed Mhz | 166, 133 |
Speed | 75 = 133Mhz |
Operating Voltage Range | RM = 2.5V |
Generation | K = K |
Bus Width | 16 = x16 |
Package Type | B = BGA |
Product Family | 42 = SDR Commercial/Industrial grade |
Temp. Grade | I = Industrial Grade (-40°C to +85°C) |
Solder Type | L = SnAgCu |
Number Of Words | 160 = 16M |
These IS42/45SM/RM/VM16160K are mobile 268,435,456 bits CMOS Synchronous DRAM organized as 4 banks of 4,194,304 words x 16 bits. These products are offering fully synchronous operation and are referenced to a positive edge of the clock. All inputs and outputs are synchronized with the rising edge of the clock input. The data paths are internally pipelined to achieve high bandwidth. All input and output voltage levels are compatible with LVCMOS.