容量 | 18M |
規格 | 1Mx18 |
陣 | 2 |
狀態 | Prod |
速度Mhz | 250, 300, 333 |
評論上一版本 | |
配置 | 1M18 = 1M x18 |
速度 | 250 = 250MHz |
產品系列 | 61 = QUAD/P DDR-2/P |
包裝代碼 | B4 = 165 ball BGA (13 x 15 mm) |
ROHS版 | = Leaded |
突發類型 | B2 = Burst 2 |
硅片版本 | A = A |
讀延時(RL) | blank = 1.5 clock cycles or 2.5 clock cycles |
產品類別 | QD = QUAD |
ODT選項 | blank = No ODT |
溫度範圍 | blank = Commercial (0°C to 70°C) |
The synchronous, high-performance CMOS static random access memory (SRAM) devices. These SRAMs have separate I/Os, eliminating the need for high-speed bus turnaround. The rising edge of K clock initiates the read/write operation, and all internal operations are self-timed. Refer to the.